Friday 5 April 2013

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?
We attracted our audience by doing target research on what they liked to see in a horror film and then we thought how we could incorporate that into our film opening.  The feedback that we got from our target audience was very useful and it helped us a lot to decide what to put in our film opening.  We also had an idea from the research to see what films they liked and disliked so that we could use features from these films in our sequence to make it effective.  Furthermore, we also noted the films that were unsuccessful and what to avoid in order to make our film sequence believable.  Below are some examples of films that were mentioned in our research by the audience.


When starting production, we knew what we had to do to make our opening sequence effective and to entice the audience.  At first, our production was not going well and we knew we had to make changes otherwise our sequence would be unsuccessful.  In our first sessions of filming, we had a storyline that consisted of a couple in which the girlfriend ended the relationship.  Then, the boyfriend would become a villain and attack/kill the girl.  When filming, time was wasted of recording the girl putting on make-up to go out, and we got nowhere with filming terms.  We then realised it was not good enough, and that it would not attract our audience with this type of storyline or filming.  We realised that no conventions of horror were in our sequence, and that too much time and focus had been wasted on the girl.
We therefore came together as a group and changed the story and base of our film so it was more interesting and well-equipped to being the beginning of a horror movie.  We changed actors of which we felt would be better suited for the film and also reliable to be there whenever we needed to film.  At the end of filming, we feel that we included conventions of horror that were necessary in a film to attract the audience.
As well as the characters, we tried to incorporate different scenes into the opening sequence of which would normally be seen in a horror movie.  This would therefore attract the audience because they would be getting the same feeling as they would from another horror film.  In the scenes, we would include elements that would normally be in a horror movie and also how they are produced into the storyline.
In this example, I have shown what weapons are used from our opening sequence compared to films such as Friday the 13th, The Shining and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre  By having this contrast, we can see the types of weapons used and if it is a successful film, it could be used as an element to attract the audience.

Looking at different films, we thought that using and involving a knife in our opening sequence would be the most appropriate and therefore attract the audience.  Commonly, the knife is used as a weapon as they are easy to get hold of at any age, and therefore we applied this to our opening sequence.

I researched Final Destination as a comparison to our film opening as it is similar in the sense of the characters and the brutality of the attacks involved in both films.  Despite the storylines being very different, they are both horror movies in which the main characters are teenagers/young adults, which is therefore appropriate to attract our audience into watching our film.  As well as comparing the two film openings/trailors, this was a film that we received in our target audience research in films that they enjoyed watching or liked conventions out of.  Therefore we felt that we should take this research and include elements that both ourselves and the target audience enjoyed.
An example of a convention that we include was the use of blood, which was used in our opening sequence upon the victim, and which would also be used throughout the film with the other victims.

In the end, the elements that we included and effect we made worked well with our target audience as they enjoyed our film opening.  By doing the research of other films and incorporating elements and conventions into our film opening, we were able to attract our target audience we were aiming for, and therefore our product was enjoyed by our aimed audience.

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