Friday 5 April 2013

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

For our film opening, the social group that is represented are teenagers/young adults that may have had difficulties in their lives or troubled upbringings.  This could include troubled families, criminals and people that are mentally unstable.  We chose this social group as the character of the serial killer is very mysterious, and it may therefore suggest that he had a troubled upbringing, or is a criminal that is being searched for.

Although our actor is older than the female, he is around twenty years old, you can see from the two pictures, we represented the boy in a way that is similar to how criminals or older youths would normally dress.  For example, the clothes and the colours of the clothes that are worn, and also their presence and how they act in the environment that they are in.  Normally for this sort of social group, they would be cautious to not give away their identity and cautious of what is happening around them.
As well as this, we thought that another social group could be people that are lonely and need comfort, in which they result to violence to satisfy their needs.  However when thinking about it, we thought the most appropriate social group would be young offenders or those from a troubled background.
The dark clothing and bowed head implies the character has a dark and mysterious nature. The colour black also has negative connotations, as said before. It could foreshadow the death by murder and even could serve to show that he is effectively a shadow.

As for the actress, she can be represented by a lot of social groups in the role that she plays in our opening sequence.  For example, she is a sweet and innocent girl, that likes to socialise with her friends as we can see when she is leaving her house in the opening sequence to meet a friend.  Therefore, she represents sixth form students or school students as well as working/middle class young adults in their everyday lives.


The role of women in movies is mostly lesser roles, she is most often seen as a sex object or a victim. This coincides with her clothing as she is portrayed as a pretty girl that comes to a horrible death from a boy who is slightly older than her. The colour white (or extremely light colours) symbolises purity, innocence and the "good". Our actress portrays the girl in lighter clothing for specifically this reason.
We looked into films that we thought were similar to the social groups of our film opening, and thought that "Bully" was fairly similar.  Despite it having a different storyline, there was a lot of violence included for the type of horror/drama genre that it was.  This could coincide with the social group of criminals and/or mentally unstable teenagers/young adults.  The film includes similarities with our film opening, which are:

Bully is an independent drama film distributed in 2001 in which it is based on a true story.  The film concerns the plot to murder a friend of several young adults in revenge for his continual abuse and psychological taunts and torture of others.  Here from the taunt and torture, we can immediately relate it back to the social group represented in our film opening, as it may represent harmful teenagers that have the possibility of being a criminal.

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