Monday 18 March 2013

Film Opening Credits

Below I have print screened the credits from our opening sequence. I have then analysed them to show why we chose these particular credits and in the shots we used them for.

1st Credit:

The opening credits show the name of a male actor who will play the part of the killer. The credits appear suddenly into the shot and then disappear again once the frame is over.  We chose the font to be simple because we didn't want to over-complicate the shot.

2nd Credit:

These credits show the name of the female actor who will featuring in our film.  We placed the credit in a clear area of the shot where it can be seen easily.  Like the other credit, it appears quickly and then disappears before she walks out. Again, we made the font simple.

3rd Credit:

The 3rd set of credits appear when she is walking down the road, and again appear suddenly in a clear area of the shot.  We chose to call the credits 'Enigma Films' because it is the name of our media group.

4th Credit:

These credits are very similar to the previous ones as it is a film company that we decided to feature, and they are in the same position as the previous credits were.  It appears in them shot because we wanted 'the hunter' to follow the girl.

5th Credit:

In the same shot again we have another credit, which says 'Present'.  This shows that the name of the film is about to appear.  From the past 3 credits, all of them have appeared suddenly and move across the screen until they disappear.

6th Credit:

This is the credit where the name of the film is presented.  We decided to have the girl walking as if she is in sync with the title.  This shows that there is something following her, like 'the hunter' behind her which she is unaware of.

7th Credit:

This credit leads to who directed and edited to opening sequence.  We chose to put it in this section of the shot because it is visible to see and is clear.  As well as this, we wanted to see the two characters together in the same shot with the credit.

8th Credit:

The first name of our group appears suddenly in this shot and then disappears after two seconds.  We didn't want the credits to last too long, as we didn't want the focus taken off the characters.  The font of the credit is the same throughout.  We placed the credit on the left hand side so that there is a continuous pattern with the rest of the credits in this section.

9th Credit:

The second name of the group is revealed here and we have designed it so it lasts the same amount of time as the other credit, and also that it is in the same place.  The credit can be easily seen.  It disappears when the camera starts to move.

10th Credit:

The third name of the group is revealed and the credits have changed places from the previous shot.  This is because this is the area where it can be seen the best, and the shot is still from where the girl has moved.  Likewise with the other credits, the duration is the same.

11th Credit:

Our final credit includes the last name of our group, in the same position as the previous credit so that the pattern continues.  At first, we placed it on the opposite side of the shot, yet it was not visible to see, so we changed it.  It is again the same font and is in the shot for the same duration as the rest of the names.

We have produced these credits so that they fit well with our film opening and when needing to, give a purpose to the action happening in the shot, for example 'The Hunted'.  The font throughout the credits are the same, and we have altered and thought about the time duration for each of them carefully.  We wanted some to last more than others depending on what was happening in the shot.  

As our deadline is not for a couple more days, there may be changes to the credits to make them more professional and in depth.  For example using 'Casting by' or 'Costumes by' to make it look more realistic.  If these changes are done, this post will be altered as soon as possible.

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