Saturday 9 March 2013

Characters Costumes

Characters Costumes in film Opening

For the girls clothes, we took some time in thinking what would be appropriate for her to wear. This is because we wanted the character to be smart casual, as she is on her way to meet up with friends in the evening.

  • She is wearing a blue and white stripped blazer for two reasons. The first is that its cold outside so she is wearing one instead of a coat and second it also smartens up her casual jeans and t-shirt style. This makes her look presentable, yet fashionable.
  • She is also wearing ankle boots instead of pumps or trainers. This is because black ankle boots can smarten or make an outfit look casual. However in this case we choose it to make it look more formal. 
  • The girl is also wearing light grey jeans. This is because are a casual item of clothing and they work well for this outfit. 
  • Her scarf symbolises that it is a cold and windy afternoon. Therefore she is wearing to keep herself warm and not get a cold. 
  • Finally she is wearing a plain blue t-shirt. This is because we wanted her outfit to also be casual and thought that a t-shirt is the beast casual item of clothing. It is also blue to go with the rest of her outfit. 
  • The lighter colours are to show her innocence and to make the blood show up well on screen, on her clothing.

For the males clothing in the film opening, it was a lot easier to decide what he should wear than the girl. This is because we wanted the character to wear all black. This is because stereotypically stalkers wear head to foot in black, with a black hood or mask. However if the character wore a mask it would bring to much attention to him, causing someone to notice and blow his cover. We show his face so that his angered or blank expression makes him seem like he has killed before.
  • The character is wearing a black coat with a hood and a grey jumper with a hood on as well. He is also wearing black jeans and trainers. This represents two things. The first is that it shows the weather is cold and windy outside so he has to layer up and the second that he doesn't want to be seen, so he covers most of himself up. 
  • Black is thought of being evil, scary and mysterious. This is another reason why he is wearing the colour. he also seems like a shadow.

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