Sunday 30 December 2012

Target Audience

For our target audience, we made up a survey that we could ask them to see what they thought on horror movies and the components that they would want to see in a horror film.  The feedback that we got was helpful and it enabled us to focus on what we could put in our opening sequence to attract our particular audience.

Who are our target audience?
We decided as a group that our target audience would be teenagers and young adults as this is normally the range of ages that watch horror films.  Also, we thought that they would have the best reaction to the features that happen in the films.  As research, we looked on the internet to see what target audiences other films had, and also what people like about horror films.  Below is a video that I found that shows what teenagers feel about horror movies.

From this we can see what they liked about a horror movie and also what they disliked.  Also, they mentioned what their favourite and worst horror movies were, which we then looked at and decided certain features that we would include and others that we wouldn't, so that it would be more appealing to the target audience.

What features could we use for our film opening?
We hope for our opening sequence to based on a stalker, but also a serial killer.  We would then include photo's of victims to make it more realistic and for it to be obvious that he is a serial killer and that he has victims.  Also, we want to incorporate blood into the film opening, to make it look more believable and when asking teenagers for our research, we found that using blood would be effective and worthwhile.
In addition, we want to have music that  will create tension throughout the sequence and make the opening seem mysterious and creative.  We will be looking on 'Royalty Free' and other free music download websites to choose this music and what we feel would benefit our opening.
What did our survey consist of?
  1. Do you like horror movies?
  2. What is your favourite horror film? What is your least favourite?
  3. What do you expect to see in horror films?

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