Thursday 6 December 2012

Codes & Conventions

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Baber of Fleet Street:

Our group decided to study and analyse the codes and conventions of 'Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street'.  The four sections that we thought about whilst annotating the images were mise-en-scene, editing, lighting and camera shots. Below are screenshots from the film which we have researched and now annotated.

The blood on the window represents danger and horror.
The chair is the only object in the room, which could signify loneliness and mystery.
This capture is in a very dark setting, which causes to build up tension.

Blood appears in this image as well, which shows there could be a running theme of horror throughout the film.

Blood on the machinery could suggest that it triggers the movement in the barbers.
Again the surroundings are dark, showing mystery and tension.

The fire represents fear, death and danger.
By having fire in the titles, it suggests that there is going to be death or danger in the film. The dark lighting emphasises the brightness of fire.
The text throughout the titles are written in Serif font.  As well as this, all the letters are in capitals which could signify a sense of urgency.
There is an establishing shot of the houses which is in darkness, showing mystery and the type of atmosphere and surroundings that the barbers is in.
The rain falling shows that it is a stormy night, possibly reflecting the film?
It seems that there is blood dripping down alongside the rain, showing a running theme of blood.

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