Wednesday 20 February 2013

Media Inward Investment: Film4

Inward investment in the film industry is where a group of companies (in the film/media industry) help to invest their money and maybe services to a film that is going to be made. For example, Looking for Eric is a film about a man whose life is descending into a dark place, who finds his idol, Eric Cantona, through hallucinations. His idol then uses his philosophical ways to help him in his life. This film was produced by ten film companies, including Film4, Sixteen Films (the company) and France 2 Cinema, distributed by twenty film companies and twenty two other companies helped with funding or other aspects of the film process.

Other films that Film4 have produced or co-produced are:
- Trainspotting
- 127 hours
- 4 weddings and a funeral
- This is england
- The lovely bones - co produced with Dreamworks
- Inbetweeners Movie
- Submarine with warp films
- Nowhere Boy
- Shaun of the Dead

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