Tuesday 29 January 2013

Costumes within Horror

Horror Film Costume

Typically within horror films all characters costumes are bland and of a plain design with little detail  as they do not want the clothing to be a main focus and distract you from other features of the film. The costumes can help the viewer understand the rolls and identity's of the characters within the film.

The Victim...

  • Victims within horror films are always presented with light/weak coloured clothing, often soft pastel colours that don't stand out and can contrast with the darkness around them.
  • They wear very simple clothing  giving them a plain ordinary look about them showing innocence and vulnerability.

The Villain/Killers...

  • The killer will always be presented in dark colours. The Black allows them to blend in with the background adding as sense of evil and mystery. It also allows them to contrast against the victims light coloured clothing
  • Often red will appear withing their clothing to show danger/evil
  • They never appear in just a t-shirt or shorts unlike victims withing the horror film. In most cases they are always fully dressed and covered up
  • Often they will wear long flowing clothing or long coats/cloaks (hiding something) or unnatural clothing making sure they do not fit in with everyone else shown.
  • Black and white appears allot allowing contrast within the character themselves so they can stand out
  • Mask are often used, this allows the character to have no human identity, it can allow them to be emotionless and unnatural with no human form, creating a much scarier image

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